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Picture of Anthony Carr

Anthony Carr


Website: http://anthonycarrpsychic.com

Facebook: https://facebook.com/anthonycarrseer

Anthony Carr's Mid-Year Predictions Update!

“The Toronto Raptors will devour all challengers like a Tyrannosaurus rex – and win the championship in 2019!”

*The above and below predictions were first prophesied in December 2018 for STARGAZER: Predictions & Prophecies 2019; to wit: “Raptors outlast Golden State in thrilling win for first ever NBA championship!” National Post, June 14, 2019.

“Explosions above and around Toronto’s CN Tower!”

I have a terrible foreboding of a plane or "object" narrowly hitting Toronto's CN Tower – followed by a suffusion of bright orange light! (2019-06-24)

Ontario Premier Doug Ford

“DOUG FORD will be the next Toronto Mayor... as long as he stays away from the word ‘Libary.’”

(...This I predicted to radio station CFRB 10-10’s talk-show host TED WOLOSHYN mere days before Ford announced his candidacy.)

...Okay, so I was slightly off-centre. So he's not the next mayor; even better, he's the new leader of the PCs and soon'll be Premier of Ontario and even, perhaps, eventually Prime Minister of this great country – Canada!” (*To wit: "Doug Ford wins Ontario PC leadership after chaotic party race"; March 10, 2018, Toronto Star.)

Although Doug Ford has become Ontario Premier (as I predicted), he's making lots of mistakes.... If he doesn't immediately take steps to help the needy, the indigent, the homeless, the elderly, the children, our veterans – and improve the health-care system – and force greedy, grasping, wrenching landlords to lower their rents and cap them off, then he might as well kiss his keister good bye, along with his ass-ets!... Doug, you remind us too much of former Ontario Premier, Mike Harris(-ment).


“President-elect DONALD TRUMP is going to march us straight down the path to hell! – and into World War III!! Within two years (give or take), he’ll leave office – either vertically or horizontally – and the U.S. Presidency will never be the same again, his having left it in shambles....”

...Trump is playing a very dangerous game of Russian roulette! And not necessarily with the Russians. He has his hand on the big red button and playing around with it to see how far he can push it down before it goes — BOOM!! He really will start WWIII!.. albeit inadvertently.

*P.S. – By the way, the late, Bulgarian blind psychic, Baba Vanga (died 1996), was also known for her prediction (her's, not mine) that "The 44th President of the United States would be that country's last Commander-in-chief." (Trump is technically the 44th person to occupy the office – due to the fact that both the 22nd and 24th presidencies were occupied by Grover Cleveland.) She also predicted that "The 45th U.S. president who possesses a messianic personality will be faced with a crisis that eventually brings down the country." And quite possibly he may be the last "illegitimate" U.S. President.... Again, as I've said before, "leaving the U.S. Presidency in shambles!" ...I dreamt last night that Trump won a 2nd term – Sheesh!

...He's resting his chin on his hand and leaning his elbow on "the button!"

The cover title of my soon-to-be-released autobiography: "A Fool's Journey" is nothing compared to this King of Fools who talks from both sides of his mouth simultaneously – in true Gemini fashion. God help us all!

Fools Journey Front Cover Fools Journey Back Cover

Click here to read Anthony's predictions for 2019!

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anthony Carr (born 6 December 1943) is a Canadian psychic. He was once referred to by Jacqueline Stallone (Sylvester's mom) as the "World's Most Documented Psychic".

Click here to read more of Anthony's world predictions

Anthony does in-depth personal readings, by appointment only. More info here.

For media interviews, contact info@anthonycarrpsychic.com.