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Picture of Anthony Carr

Anthony Carr


Website: http://anthonycarrpsychic.com

Facebook: https://facebook.com/anthonycarrseer

Anthony's EARTHQUAKE Prediction!

That was just a preview of what's to come! Kawhi (–me a river) may regret his decision to leave Toronto, because...

“Boy, if southern California thinks it has problems now with all those fires, just wait until they see what that heat does to underlying tectonic plates which La-La-Land rests upon. The ensuing hot cracks and fissures will suddenly fill with cold water – causing the top layer of Los Angeles to slip into the depths – and oblivion – like warm cheese sliding off a cracker!”

*The above prediction was first prophesied in December 2017 for STARGAZER: Predictions & Prophecies 2018; to wit: “7.1 magnitude earthquake strikes Southern California” ABC News, July 7, 2019.

And not just California...

From STARGAZER: Predictions & Prophecies 2019:

“Parts of coastal British Columbia swamped by great tsunamis caused by underwater earthquakes (or waterquakes!).”

Click here to read Anthony's predictions for 2019!

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Anthony Carr (born 6 December 1943) is a Canadian psychic. He was once referred to by Jacqueline Stallone (Sylvester's mom) as the "World's Most Documented Psychic".

Click here to read more of Anthony's world predictions

Anthony does in-depth personal readings, by appointment only. More info here.

For media interviews, contact info@anthonycarrpsychic.com.